The benefits of the Fund are comprehensive and include:
a. When you retire
• A cash lumpsum when you retire
• An option of income draw down or annuity on retirement
b. If you die while you are employed by the church
• Lump sum payment to your beneficiary (ies)
• Retirement benefits for your spouse and dependents bought using your Member Account if opted for annuity or income drawdown
c. If you leave before you retire
A deferred retirement benefit payable from when you reach Normal Retirement Age; or
A transfer to another approved retirement benefits arrangement; or
A return of 50% of Accrued Benefits
The balance 50% of Accrued Benefits are preserved in the Fund but may be transferred to your new employer’s Provident Fund, to a preservation Fund or to an individual personal retirement benefits plan.
d. PRMF- Post Retirement Medical Fund
• A member is eligible to apply for a PRMF during the retirement years
e. Death Benefits
What benefits are payable should I die before retirement?
• If you die before your Normal Retirement Age as a contributing member, the following benefits are payable to your beneficiaries:
• A lump sum equal of your own contributions and the employer’s contributions together with the interest accrued thereon.
• The Lump Sum will be paid for the benefit of your dependents as set out in the Nomination of Beneficiary Form.
• Benefits payable on death and which are insured are subject to any terms and conditions that may be imposed by the insurance company from time to time.
f. Other Benefits
1. Can I buy a residential house using my retirement benefits savings?
Yes. You are allowed to purchase residential houses using 40% of your retirement benefits to a maximum of 7 Million.
2.Can I buy a house in the rural areas?
Yes. You can purchase a residential house in the rural areas provided it is certified for occupation before purchase.
3.Can I use the benefits to top up my mortgage loan?
No. You are not allowed to use the funds for a mortgage top up.
Early retirement is at the age of 50 years , while normal retirement is 60 years and late retirement for ( Clergy is 70 years ) A member can be able to access his retirement benefits upon reaching the retirement age,
Upon retirement members can receive the lump sum amount or 1/3 (third ) of the savings if the accumulated benefits is above 1,2 million the requisites minimum for annuity.
1. Single Life annuity - Is for single parents
2. Joint Life annuity - for couples
For joint life annuity a member can opt 100% reversionary or 50% reversionary.
In 100% reversionary upon the death of a member, the surviving spouse gets full benefit on monthly basis till death.
While 50 % reversionary the serving spouse benefits with 50% of what the member was getting per month.
A member who retires having saved 1.2 Million he/ she is entitled to get monthly income of Kshs. 10,820 till he passes on and the serving spouse will continue enjoying the same amount until he/she passes on but in 50% reversionary the serving spouse will get 5,410 monthly after the death of the member.
Guaranteed period
When buying annuity, The member is advised to choose a guaranteed period which is between 5 years and 20 years. Where –by, if death occurs to both spouses, before the expiry of the guaranteed period, the nominated next of kin is paid a lump-sum of the remaining benefits after deducting withholding taxes.
Income Draw down
A retiree who have savings above 1.2 million can opt to buy an income drawdown of between 1 year and 10 years. The challenge with income draw down is money keeps reducing every other month up to the guaranteed period. In case death occurs before the expiry of this period, the nominated next of king is payed the balance in lump sum.